Capsicum annuum L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:15 s.
Ex Tax: 3.95€
Sweet pepper "AMYKA" F1.
An improved "AMY" type hybrid with creamy white fruits.
The fruits are very similar to AMY, but are more uniform in shape and do not have anthocyanin stripes throughout the growing period.
Excellent for fresh use and for cooking (especially for stuffing).

* Growing pepper seedlings.
Getting an early harvest depends on the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. In addition, the pepper harvest depends on the age of the seedlings (i.e. the number of days from germination to planting in the ground).
In heated greenhouses, 45-50-day-old seedlings are used, and in open ground: 60-70-day-old.
Sowing times for both greenhouses and open ground under temporary film shelters: February 1-15 (no later).
You can sow seeds in mid-March if, immediately after germination, the seedlings are artificially illuminated with fluorescent lamps for a month,
while the seedlings are in the box (i.e. before picking them into pots).
The seedling boxes are pre-washed with hot water and disinfected with a solution of bleach (200 g per 10 l of water) or a solution of copper sulfate (2 tablespoons per 10 l of water).
It is recommended to make the soil mixture from humus, peat, turf or garden soil. Then add 2 tablespoons of wood ash and
1 tablespoon of superphosphate to a bucket of soil mixture, mix everything well and pour into the box.
Or add 15 g of urea, 30-40 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 100-200 g of wood ash to 1 bucket of the mixture. The soil mixture poured into the boxes is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (red), after 10-12 hours the surface is well leveled, slightly compacted and furrows are made at a distance of 5-7 cm. The seeds are placed in the furrows at a distance of 2 cm from each other and at a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm.
The furrows are filled with the same soil mixture, slightly compacted and watered with warm (+25 °C) water from a watering can with a fine sieve.
The box with pepper crops is placed in a warm place and covered with film to retain moisture.
After 2 days, the soil is sprinkled from above with water at the rate of: 3 tablespoons of water per box, so that a crust does not form and the seedlings sprout easily and amicably.
On the 5-6th day, carefully monitor the emergence of seedlings. As soon as the seedlings sprout, the box is placed on the brightest windowsill.
The seedlings in the box grow until two true leaves appear (approximately 30-35 days after germination). During this period, the seedlings are watered once a week at the rate of up to 2 glasses
per box measuring 30x50 cm. The first watering is done 5 days after germination. Try not to overwater the seedlings, otherwise the plants will be affected by "black leg".
The temperature of the irrigation water should be +25+28°C, it is advisable to use settled water.
Seedlings are not fed before picking.
The boxes are turned 180° after 2-3 days so that the seedlings are evenly illuminated.
It is very useful to harden the seedlings a month before planting them in a permanent place.
If the outside air temperature is +15°C or higher, you can open the window or take the boxes out onto the balcony. Beware of drafts!
This regime is needed for a short period (6-7 days) so that the seedlings produce strong roots. Then the temperature regime must be maintained at +26°C on sunny days,
+20+22°C on cloudy days, +15+17°C at night.
Seedlings in the phase of two true leaves are ready for picking. Seedlings are watered 2-3 hours before picking.
Seedlings should not be selected from dry soil, otherwise the soil will crumble from the roots.
Seedlings can be picked into milk bags, peat pots, plastic cups, etc. The best sizes of cups or pots are 8x8 or 10x10 cm.
They are filled with the same soil mixture as for sowing seeds. Then watered with a warm nutrient solution.

Paprika Superamy F1
Sweet pepper. Bot.: Capsicum annuum L.

Did you know that... sweet pepper lecho is a delicious appetizer and side dish. Peel 2-2,5 kg of sweet pepper from seeds and membranes, wash and cut into slices.
Pass 2 kg of red tomatoes through a meat grinder, cook a little, strain, add 1-2 tablespoons of salt.
You can add 0.4 kg of minced and lightly fried onions.
Mix onions and peppers, place in jars, pour boiling tomato juice.

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